Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

I try to keep this blog fairly non-political. But be forewarned, this post veers into the slightly political.

Today is Memorial Day. A day to commemorate those who have served, those who are serving, and those who have lost their lives fighting for our country.

I have the utmost respect and appreciation for those who serve in our Armed Forces, for their sacrifice and dedication.

I have so many friends in the service and every time I see them I can see how much stronger and confident they have become. That they are. They are some of the people closest to me, and they are simply amazing. I believe in them.

That said, I wish we lived in a society where war wasn't such a necessity. Where we didn't have to send so many to fight and die for things that seem so trivial when juxtaposed with the lives they cost.

Today, I am saying thank you for your service and sacrifice. To be safe and stay strong.

I am also promising to fight in my own way to try to create a society where all of this violence would not be needed.


How I've Changed

Some observations from others and myself.

I am more assertive.
Willing to stand up for myself.
I am willing to snark back (this is a Good Thing in context.)
I am more confident. I think it has something to do with the hair.
I am also more laid back about time. I can sit and do nothing, which I had trouble with before.



This weekend was Panteria, a local event that I haven't missed since I started fighting in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). It was the most laid back event I have been to. Our camp was small, but very relaxed, which is what I needed.

We got there later than planned, but not by much. Packing for the event included such questions as "Where is my helmet?" "Where is my auth card?" "If I were my fighting tunic, where would I be?"

Once we got to the site, we set up the pavilion uneventfully, and hung out with my household.

(I am aware this next part might get me disowned :) )

I didn't really fight. In all honesty, I debated whether or not to bring my armour. So on Saturday I walked around, and sat in camp, looking at the sky and the trees. I did manage to do a round of thrown weapons, but it was nice to do nothing and know that I didn't have anything else I should be doing. I needed the calm and the nature and the sun.

Sunday I geared up for the woods battle, in my gear for the first time since last Pennsic. Things set weird, though I figured out that I didn't gain the freshman 15, because my armour still fit. I had a different pair of fighting shoes that slid as I walked though, there were a few other pieces that needed adjustment, and really, I wasn't motivated to do anything I didn't need to. So I stayed in for 2 rounds, and then stopped fighting as more people showed up.

What this weekend did do was re-spark my desire to train and fight. I am researching practices that (hopefully) exist in NYC for the summer.

Saturday was also the beginning of the epic squirrel battles. There was a cute little red squirrel who really liked our bread and tents. The little squirrel also worked in conjunction with a brave chipmunk. I think they won, because we left out bread for them.

Something I really like about SCA events are the conversations. The stories. I haven't seen many of these people since I went to school in the Middle East. The most common question I get is 'What is my favorite part about being there/going to school there'. My first answer is always the people I meet - my classmates, who all are such extraordinary people, and then the random connections - a woman in a painting class who can read the tattoo I have in Tamil, who is from Kerala and knows who Gurukkal is. My second answer is the travel opportunities. Though I am always brought back to why I travel, and what I want to do with travel as I talk to an SCA member who was a PeaceCorps volunteer in Africa.

Stories also remind me of chivalry, and the seven knightly virtues. These are the stories we forget, but that we shouldn't. They are important.

I managed to not get injured fighting, but instead hurt my thumb playing volleyball at a potluck.

Sadly, this is my only event this summer due to scheduling and commitments. Which makes me sad, because my household and friends in the SCA are another family to me.
