Saturday, November 12, 2011

Femme Fatale

My excitement about this concert can only be really explained with a bit of backstory of me as a 7-11 year old girl.

I was a Britney Spears fan. All of my friends were. We would listen to her cassette tapes, learn the lyrics, and make up dances (I still remember dancing to "Crazy" on a dock by Lake Winnipesaukee). Her album "Baby One More Time" was my first ever CD. I had it both as a cassette, then a CD. Both are still in my room somewhere at home. I wasn't really into the other pop princesses of the time- Christina Aguilera's lyrics never got stuck in my head. I was a Britney fan.

I guess when we moved to VT is when my music interests started to shift, and the last album of hers I bought was "Britney". So I knew her songs up to "I'm Not a Girl".

Generally I avoid tabloids, so while I knew she wasn't in the best place, I never had the voyeuristic urge to find out about her life, because honestly, beyond not really caring about celebrities, I didn't want to have to see a new reality of her than I had in my childhood. I lost track of her, and her music.

And now that brings us to the present, 19 year old me. Many of my classmates entered a drawing for the Britney Spears concert after the Yasalam races. And most of them won 2 tickets. I did not enter, but I knew a lot of people who did, and Laura gave me her extra ticket :)

The concert was good. I won't say it was great- it took her a while to get into the songs (as the songs went further back in her repertoire, they got better, even if the lip-synching was slightly off), and in the beginning she looked fairly run down, which is understandable. My bias toward the earlier songs might also be because I could sing along to them at the top of my lungs. 

But it was music. It was bass heavy, beating in your chest, danceable, high decibel music. I love it when music consumes so many of your senses- touch, hearing, sight, people, that it is all you feel. All you think. 

And it was Britney Spears. Growing up in that generation, this concert fulfilled one of my childhood dreams.  


(To those of you wondering- I would say this is the same concert on tour all around. I don't think it was changed at all for being in the UAE, outfit/lyric/dance wise)