This weekend was Panteria, a local event that I haven't missed since I started fighting in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). It was the most laid back event I have been to. Our camp was small, but very relaxed, which is what I needed.
We got there later than planned, but not by much. Packing for the event included such questions as "Where is my helmet?" "Where is my auth card?" "If I were my fighting tunic, where would I be?"
Once we got to the site, we set up the pavilion uneventfully, and hung out with my household.
(I am aware this next part might get me disowned :) )
I didn't really fight. In all honesty, I debated whether or not to bring my armour. So on Saturday I walked around, and sat in camp, looking at the sky and the trees. I did manage to do a round of thrown weapons, but it was nice to do nothing and know that I didn't have anything else I should be doing. I needed the calm and the nature and the sun.
Sunday I geared up for the woods battle, in my gear for the first time since last Pennsic. Things set weird, though I figured out that I didn't gain the freshman 15, because my armour still fit. I had a different pair of fighting shoes that slid as I walked though, there were a few other pieces that needed adjustment, and really, I wasn't motivated to do anything I didn't need to. So I stayed in for 2 rounds, and then stopped fighting as more people showed up.
What this weekend did do was re-spark my desire to train and fight. I am researching practices that (hopefully) exist in NYC for the summer.
Saturday was also the beginning of the epic squirrel battles. There was a cute little red squirrel who really liked our bread and tents. The little squirrel also worked in conjunction with a brave chipmunk. I think they won, because we left out bread for them.
Something I really like about SCA events are the conversations. The stories. I haven't seen many of these people since I went to school in the Middle East. The most common question I get is 'What is my favorite part about being there/going to school there'. My first answer is always the people I meet - my classmates, who all are such extraordinary people, and then the random connections - a woman in a painting class who can read the tattoo I have in Tamil, who is from Kerala and knows who Gurukkal is. My second answer is the travel opportunities. Though I am always brought back to why I travel, and what I want to do with travel as I talk to an SCA member who was a PeaceCorps volunteer in Africa.
Stories also remind me of chivalry, and the seven knightly virtues. These are the stories we forget, but that we shouldn't. They are important.
I managed to not get injured fighting, but instead hurt my thumb playing volleyball at a potluck.
Sadly, this is my only event this summer due to scheduling and commitments. Which makes me sad, because my household and friends in the SCA are another family to me.
We got there later than planned, but not by much. Packing for the event included such questions as "Where is my helmet?" "Where is my auth card?" "If I were my fighting tunic, where would I be?"
Once we got to the site, we set up the pavilion uneventfully, and hung out with my household.
(I am aware this next part might get me disowned :) )
I didn't really fight. In all honesty, I debated whether or not to bring my armour. So on Saturday I walked around, and sat in camp, looking at the sky and the trees. I did manage to do a round of thrown weapons, but it was nice to do nothing and know that I didn't have anything else I should be doing. I needed the calm and the nature and the sun.
Sunday I geared up for the woods battle, in my gear for the first time since last Pennsic. Things set weird, though I figured out that I didn't gain the freshman 15, because my armour still fit. I had a different pair of fighting shoes that slid as I walked though, there were a few other pieces that needed adjustment, and really, I wasn't motivated to do anything I didn't need to. So I stayed in for 2 rounds, and then stopped fighting as more people showed up.
What this weekend did do was re-spark my desire to train and fight. I am researching practices that (hopefully) exist in NYC for the summer.
Saturday was also the beginning of the epic squirrel battles. There was a cute little red squirrel who really liked our bread and tents. The little squirrel also worked in conjunction with a brave chipmunk. I think they won, because we left out bread for them.
Something I really like about SCA events are the conversations. The stories. I haven't seen many of these people since I went to school in the Middle East. The most common question I get is 'What is my favorite part about being there/going to school there'. My first answer is always the people I meet - my classmates, who all are such extraordinary people, and then the random connections - a woman in a painting class who can read the tattoo I have in Tamil, who is from Kerala and knows who Gurukkal is. My second answer is the travel opportunities. Though I am always brought back to why I travel, and what I want to do with travel as I talk to an SCA member who was a PeaceCorps volunteer in Africa.
Stories also remind me of chivalry, and the seven knightly virtues. These are the stories we forget, but that we shouldn't. They are important.
I managed to not get injured fighting, but instead hurt my thumb playing volleyball at a potluck.
Sadly, this is my only event this summer due to scheduling and commitments. Which makes me sad, because my household and friends in the SCA are another family to me.
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