Week 3 - this week was a bit calmer, until the weekend, which was chaotic in the best possible way.
Work and RealAD were good as usual - I feel like I am doing good work in both internships.
Hung out a bit more with Rachel and her friends from Wellesley - it is just so nice to remember that there are other people my age that aren't NYUAD - it is something we don't realize enough in Abu Dhabi.
Shakespeare in the Park is a theater performance of free Shakespeare, (and this summer also Sondheim), performed in Central Park. The only thing is, you have to line up for tickets. With my schedule that is impossible, because a cloning machine hasn't been invented yet. But what I did find out is that you can enter an electronic raffle, which I did, and the second day I entered I got tickets! I had never seen As You Like It before, and it was awesome. A bit confusing at first, but the music was brilliant. The most memorable scene for me was the "All the world's a stage..." monologue, paired with the music of Steve Martin, which is a bluegrass style sound that made me think of home. This was a show that was well done.
I had to go pick up the tickets early, so I also wandered the park and read The Little Prince.
"But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart."
This weekend was also Pride. It was epic. There was so much glitter.